*** Discounted prices on bookings with accommodation will be shown on the payment page. Discount only available upon payment in full. ***

Booking without lodging ………………………………………….. 699 €

2 big bedrooms

Booked as a private room for 1 person…………….……….……………1350 €

Booked as a shared room (shared with another person)…...………..…...1100 €

3 small bedrooms with 1 double bed

Booked as private room for 1 person………..……………………………1150 €

Booked as a shared room (shared with another person)…………………...950 €

1 small bedroom with 2 single beds

Booked as a private room for 1 person……………………………………1050 €

Booked as a shared room (shared with another person)…………………..875€